Salt creek beach

Idag söndag blev det en slö dag. Den bestod mest av mario kart och halvsovande ögon. Dock var det nog jävligt behövande eftersom igår lördags så åkte ju jag och Tim ner till Pomona för att se The Kills. Väl där nere mötte vi upp en av våran klasskamrats brorsa, som vi var med under hela konserten! Själva Konserten var sjukt bra, även om jag inte riktigt lyssnar på dom så var det helt klart värt att fara dit!
Imorgon så ska Junior och Senior class åka ner till Salt Creek beach på en junior/senior trip luau. Har aldrig varit dit förut så det ska bli spännande! Jag är taggad.
Det har varit en fullspäckad femdagars helg och det gillar man! Idag var bena riktigt möra. Man hade ju gått runt på två nöjesparker och sen stod man upp 6 och en halv timma i strek. Det var riktigt jobbigt att komma upp i morse!
Här är en liten mer utvecklad skriftelse om i lördags från Tims blogg.
"Last night was absolutely incredible. The Kills were headlining at Pomona's Fox Theater, so Mattias and I met up with Rick (a friend from H.S.) to watch 4 hours of brilliant live music. While waiting in line, several male transvestites were handing out their flyers for their upcoming show dressed in skanky women's clothing. I suppose there's a time and place for everything, right? Or maybe that's a sarcastic lie...

After an hour and a half of waiting in line and almost puking from Juan Pollo's Mexican Food, Mattias and I grabbed our tickets from Will Call and popped down to the front of the stage; Or rather 6 rows back. Due to the fact that we are just amazing and got there early, we were able to get Pit Pass wrist bands, allowing us to stay on the ground floor. Here is where some great memories took place. Cold Cave opened, followed by the spectacular Black Angels, ending up with The Kills to finish off the evening.

Down on the main floor, there was this idiotic, strung out dude with a lousy Clark Cable mustache.He kept bumping into people, pushing them and bothering the sh** out of all in that general area. A few guys next to me pushed him back, followed by him trying to push again, and so on. He ended up on the ground unconscious after effin' Rick grabbed him and punched him, a chick grabbing his hair and flinging his sorry ass to the ground. Then, 4 other people got involved and security came and threw all of them out, even though (I think) some didn't deserve to be."

Postat av: n'Erik

Aj då, vilken actionfylld konsertupplevelse!!!

Vad har vi sagt om att bråka/slåss med folk?

2011-05-16 @ 12:30:41

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